??????? ** as an employer has a moral and legal requirement to ensure that suitable personal protective clothing and equipment is provided, and information and training is provided to all employees in regard to the care and use of such personal protective equipment.? Under the same regulations employees have a legal requirement to properly use all PPE that has been supplied to them correctly and that if any defects are found with said equipment, it must be brought to the immediate attention of their Supervisor.
??????? **作为雇佣方有道义和法律上的要求,保证提供合适的个人防护衣物和设备,并向雇员提供信息和培训,关注个人劳动保护用品的使用。此规定也同样要求雇员正确使用所提供的个人防护用品,并在发现上述设备有缺陷时,立即向其主管报告。
??????? 1.?AIM
??????? 目的
??????? The aim of this safe work practice is to ensure a safe system of work by utilizing the proper personal protective equipment. This practice is intended to provide management with the background information and data, a selection and decision criteria and the necessary specifications to establish an effective Personal Protective Equipment Program.
??????? 此程序旨在提供一个保证使用个人保护设备的安全工作系统,对背景数据、选择、决定标准和规格进行管理,以建立一个所要求的有效的个人保护设备程序。
??????? 2.?PROCEDURE
??????? 程序
??????? Personal protective clothing and equipment are not substitutes for effective engineering controls, safe working conditions or sound work practices, but can play an essential part in the protection of the worker.? Personal protective equipment does not eliminate the hazard but is an aid in controlling individual exposures so far as to prevent injury or adverse health effects.
??????? 个人防护衣物和设备不是为了替代有效的工程管理、安全工作状况或可靠的工作规定,但它在保护工作人员方面能起到主要的作用。个人保护用品不能消除危害因素,但是能帮助控制个人对危害环境中的暴露,使其避免受伤或健康受到危害。
??????? Risks to health and safety may occur whenever there is exposure to chemical, physical or biological hazards.? The degree of risk depends on the severity of the hazard and the degree of exposure. The many and varied jobs that will be undertaken by ** employees and contractors presents a wide range of potential risks to health and safety.? Control of risk exposures to an acceptable level depends on the identification and evaluation of the hazards with reference to acceptable exposure standards and or specifications. The use of personal protective equipment is only one of a number of control options that may be available.
??????? 暴露于化学、物理或生物危害环境中时,对健康和安全会带来风险。风险的程度取决于危害的严重性和暴露程度。**员工和承包商所要承担的许多工作表明在很大范围内对健康和安全有潜在风险。要将它们控制在一个可接受的水平,就需要根据暴露标准对危害因素进行识别和评估。使用个人防护用品只是许多可使用的控制方案中的一种。
??????? 危害因素的识别
??????? Identify the nature of the hazard, the chemical and/or physical agent, its characteristics, potential routes of entry or contact and the harmful effects of exposure to that hazard.?
??????? 识别危害种类以及它们的化学或物理性质、特征、可能的进入或接触途径以及暴露于该危害因素下的有害影响。
??????? 风险评估/工作危险评估
??????? ** requires that risk be assessed on the basis of the likelihood of exposure and the perceived outcome from the exposure.? A thoroughly conducted Job Hazard Assessment results in the estimation of risks associated with a task or activity as well as the identification of appropriate control measures such as the type of personal protective equipment that will be required.
??????? **要求根据暴露的可能性和对暴露的理解程度来评估风险。一个完整的工作危险评估指导依赖于任务或行动的危险评价,辨认合适的控制措施,比如根据需要提供个人保护设备的类型。
??????? 控制方案的选择
??????? When action is required to reduce risks to health and safety, Management of any employer is responsible for the development and implementation of the appropriate controls based on relevant standards, guidelines and/or legislation and safe working practices.?
??????? 当要求采取行动来降低对健康、安全的风险时,组织的任何雇员有责任根据有关的标准、指导方针或法规、安全工作规定等,建立和执行合适的控制措施。
??????? When it is not feasible to control the risks by the methods described, personal protective equipment (either on its own or in combination with other controls), may be used as a control option to minimize personal exposure, but bearing in mind the following limitations:
??????? 当采用上述方法来进行控制不切合实际时,个人防护用品(个人防护用品本身或与其它控制手段相结合)可以作为一种控制方案,以使个人对危害因素的暴露降到最低,但在思想上要考虑以下限制:
??????? PPE does not reduce or eliminate the hazard.
??????? 个人防护用品不能减少或消除危害因素。
??????? If the protective equipment is defective, or becomes ineffective whilst being worn, the wearer may become exposed to the hazard without necessarily being aware of it.
??????? 如果防护用品有缺陷或已经磨损失效,穿戴者可能没有意识到这些而暴露于危害因素之下。
??????? PPE provides protection for the wearer only, the potential exposure of unprotected people in the area must be considered.
??????? 个人防护用品只为穿戴者提供了保护,而在区域内未受到保护人员的潜在暴露必须得到考虑。
??????? The use of PPE may introduce additional hazards to the wearer.? The equipment may interfere with one or more of the senses, e.g. full-face respirators restrict side vision and gloves may reduce manual dexterity.
??????? 使用个人防护用品可能会给穿戴者带来额外的危害。这些用品可能干扰了穿戴者的一种或多种感官,例如全面罩呼吸器会限制他的侧视能力,手套会影响手的灵活性。
??????? PPE may transfer the hazard to another location.? Toxic chemicals may be absorbed on boots and coveralls and transferred to accommodation areas.
??????? 个人防护用品会将危害因素传递到其它地方。有毒的化学物可能会吸附在套鞋和连体服上,并被带到生活区域。
??????? PPE, particularly respiratory protection, may not be suitable for continuous use.

上一篇: 安全帽的使用注意事项和不安全因素
下一篇: 个人防护用品使用与检查